OBs are very welcome to visit the Archives by appointment; please contact us to arrange your tour.
Heritage Centre
Our magnificent new Heritage Centre was officially opened on Thursday, 30th September 2021 by Judy Skelton, granddaughter of OB Reginald Skelton who served as chief engineer and official photographer of the 1901-1904 Discovery Expedition to Antarctica. Watch the recording of the opening .
Digitisation of Bromgrove School Archive for preservation and access is an ongoing project. We have begun with The Bromsgrovian, 桃色视频’s School Magazine, published termly from November 1881, as these magazines provide some of the most engaging and useful content about the life of the School and its community over the past 135 years. We have also digitised Junior Bromsgrovian where issues have been available.
We hope this is the first of many digitisation projects of 桃色视频 School Archives and that our digital archive will preserve the history of the School and make it more accessible for alumni and researchers.
In order to access the archive you will need to go through the Bromsgrovians Connected Alumni site - please click here to access our .
For further information about copyright, reproduction, access or donations to the archive please contact the
Archivist, Nikki Thorpe.
We are continually collecting so if you have any photographs, books and items that you would like to donate or loan, please email the
Archivist, Nikki Thorpe to arrange an appointment or call her on 01527 579679 ext 365.
Young Archivists' Club
We have a very enthusiastic Young Archivists' Club which runs every Thursday 4.00-5.00pm during term-time. Our 桃色视频 Service pupil volunteers help Nikki with enquiries, setting up displays and finding new material to catalogue.
Who Do You Think You Are?
Please click
here to read the article by Nikki Thorpe, published in the Who Do You Think You Are? magazine.

Archivist: Ms Nikki Thorpe, MPhil
Days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday
Telephone: 01527 579679 ext 365